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  • Event Date: 20-Jul-2024
  • Updated On: 22-Jul-2024
  • Total Photo(s): 45
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Description: “Finding paradise in every mango bite.” Mango is our national fruit. We all love to eat mangoes. The Tiny Tots of our Kindergarten celebrated “MANGO DAY” on the 20th of July 2024 to make each other aware of the benefits of eating mangoes like it helps in strengthening our bones, is rich in vitamin C and it boosts our immune system. Children of Nursery Class did the activity of pasting the cut outs of mangoes on the tree provided whereas the children of L.K.G and U K.G Class did an activity of making a headgear with mango cutouts. The teachers also took part in the Activity and explained about the importance of the Mangoes through flashcards. Later the teachers cut the mangoes into slices and the children loved eating the mango slices along with the mango juice they had brought for their tiffin. Thus the activity was completed on a sweet, juicy note.